Child Counselling
Growing a healthy mind in childhood sets the foundation for learning and life.
Trust your gut.
You know your child better than anyone.
If you suspect your child is struggling with an emotional or behavioural problem or needs help coping with a difficult life event, seek help. Speak with a health provider – community nurse, GP, paediatrician, and or psychologist, for guidance.
It’s not uncommon for parents to think their child’s problem will resolve over time. However if your child has been suffering for a few months it’s time to get help.
The earlier a child and their family accesses treatment, the easier it’ is to resolve the issue. Early intervention is important such that secondary issues don’t occur and create further complications, such as academic problems, low self esteem or peer relationship difficulties.
Research suggests that a child with even mild mental health issues left unchecked may develop more serious problems as a young adult (The Mental Health of Children and Adolescents, Report on the Second Australian Child and Adolescent Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing, Zubrick, SR, 2015).
As mental health experts, we have seen firsthand the positive and lasting effects of therapy with young children.
How do we begin?
If you have been referred by a doctor to one of our psychologists, contact us for an initial appointment (50 minutes).
If you are not sure which clinical psychologist would best suit your child’s issue please contact us to discuss.
What your role is in your child’s therapy?
We work collaboratively.
We aim to support you to assist your child, by developing effective parenting strategies that are practical for you and your situation.
Typically there is more parent involvement in therapy with younger children.
For instance, children between 3 and 6 years are still developing their verbal or comprehension skills and learn best through play. We use play therapy as a strategy for teaching positive developing skills.
Older children (7-12yrs) benefit from both verbal and play-based therapeutic approaches.
At home, you can provide ongoing support for your child by reinforcing and implementing the strategies developed in session.
Why do parents need an initial appointment with the psychologist?
Prior to working with your child, we meet with the parent(s) for two key reasons:
It gives the psychologist the opportunity to ask a lot of questions to get to know your family, understand the problem or issue, what therapy has helped or hasn’t, hand over any assessments documents, and learn about your child’s strengths.
You have the opportunity to ask the psychologist questions, talk freely, and decide if the psychologist is someone you and your child can work with.
If all goes well the next appointment will be with you and your child.
How do I tell my child they’re seeing a psychologist?
It’s understandable that your child may feel nervous about seeing a psychologist. They don’t know what to expect and they may be worried that they have done something wrong and may feel bad.
If this is the case, reassure them by describing the psychologist as a “feelings doctor” who helps kids feel happier. Also mention that they have a lot of fun toys and games in their office.
Let them know that you have met and like the psychologist.
What can my child expect at the first appointment?
Our sessions last for approximately 50 minutes.
This is the psychologist’s opportunity to get to know your child. It’s important that your child feel comfortable and understood.
The goal is for your child to want to come back and work together so their mental health gets better.
How long before my child feels better?
We all wish for the fastest way possible to happiness for our child, but this really depends on many factors. Some problems resolve quickly in just a few sessions, whereas more complicated problems require a longer approach.
Usually, we would expect to see significant gains within 8 to 12 sessions.
Common childhood problems we look after
- Anxiety/Fears
- Behavioural problems (such as aggression, extreme non-compliance, attention problems)
- Depression/sadness, tearfulness
- Learning or school-based problems (such as school avoidance, stress regarding teachers/assessments)
- Extreme mood swings
- Grief/Loss
- Serious, acute, or chronic illness
- Sexual, physical, or emotional abuse
If the issue you’re dealing with is not on this list please contact us
If we can’t help you, we can refer you to someone who may be able to assist.